Embracing Change: Reconnecting with Your Body Through Life’s Transitions with Nutritional Therapy and Somatic Work

Life is a series of transitions, each phase bringing challenges, joys, and transformations. For many women, these transitions, whether entering a new life stage, facing hormonal imbalances, or breaking free from the cycle of yo-yo dieting and disordered eating, can...

Feeling Fat at Any Size: Embracing Your Body and Self-Worth

This will rock the boat a little, but there is such a struggle with feeling "fat" at any size. I wrote that correctly, at any size can go down to size 0. it is a phenomenon that's more common than you might think. This feeling stems from a complex interplay of...

Discover Your Path to Wellness: Why Study Naturopathic Nutrition

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey, rediscover your passion, or seek a path towards healing and holistic well-being? If so, then studying Naturopathic Nutrition might be the perfect choice for you. In this blog post, we'll explore the numerous...
Feeling Fat at Any Size: Embracing Your Body and Self-Worth

Feeling Fat at Any Size: Embracing Your Body and Self-Worth

This will rock the boat a little, but there is such a struggle with feeling "fat" at any size. I wrote that correctly, at any size can go down to size 0. it is a phenomenon that's more common than you might think. This feeling stems from a complex interplay of...

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